Credit Union Law
Credit Union Law
Collections for Credit Unions falls in the realm of Creditor’s Rights. It includes various efforts during the process including pre-litigation, collection litigation up to judgment and then post-judgment collection remedies if necessary. Pre-litigation includes locating debtors, sending demand letters as well as other forms of communication to resolve delinquency and resolution of any other related issues at hand if possible without the necessity of litigation. If pre-litigation measures don’t cure the issues at hand, litigation is available through the filing of a lawsuit. If the debts are not paid and issues not resolved during litigation and an a judgment is obtained, further collection efforts are then made on the judgment. There are important things that are critical to perform at the time of judgment.
Judgments must be properly certified and recorded. Then experienced collections Attorney Erika Cappiello can continue the efforts if the debtor doesn’t cooperate with payment such as wage garnishments, bank account garnishments, levies and other post judgment remedies.
There are means of asset recovery. Even if the debtor files bankruptcy, it’s important to file a claim as a creditor holding a judgment. Additionally, claims in probate court can be filed as well.
Credit Unions may find themselves as parties to foreclosures, bankruptcies and tax deed sales amongst other civil related matters. Erika Cappiello has the experience of representing Credit Unions in this regard and can navigate creditor’s rights to obtain payment. She is experienced with work outs and has the ability to work with various debtor’s issues and complications to ensure the best possible outcome for her Creditor Clients.
Miami Attorney Erika Cappiello’s experience with various other areas of Creditor Rights includes: Caveats and Probate Claims; Replevins; Foreclosures; Collections on Guarantors; Second Mortgage Representation; Foreclosure Sales; Tax Deed Sales; Real Estate Title Issues; Insurance Claims; Contract Review and Negotiations; Compliance Issues; Fraud Issues; Re-recording of Judgments; Judgment Domestication; Short Sales, Work-outs, Modifications;
Risk Management Issues and Strategy; Special Credit Union Projects; Board Policy Assistance; Credit Union Consulting and any other Credit Union related issues.